I, for myself, and on behalf of the minor child(ren) identified below, allow In-Shape Solutions LLC, and its successors, licensees and assigns (collectively, “Company”) to include me, and my minor children, (individually and collectively, “me,” “my,” or “I”) as a guest, performer and/ or participant in any promotion/program/commercial tentatively entitled and/or currently referred to as “the Program.” I am giving this release in consideration for Company allowing me to participate and/or appear in the Program, and I recognize that my signature on this release is a condition of Company permitting me and/or my minor child(ren) to be a guest on, or a participant or performer in, the Program.

I acknowledge that Company may tape, film, photograph and otherwise record or capture my appearance, performance, name, physical likeness, personality, personal characteristics, movements, voice, conversations and other personal identification, including, without limitation, quotes, paraphrases, sounds and any performance of musical composition(s) (collectively, the “Participation”), for use in and in connection with the Program, any derivative works, advertising, promotion and publicity thereof. I understand and agree that no cash or other compensation will be (or will become) payable to me in connection with my Participation. I expressly acknowledge and agree that the Company may tape, film, photograph and otherwise record or capture events and aspects of my life and daily activities occurring as part of and/or during production of the Program, and that such events, activities, incidents, situations and materials shall be an integral part of the Participation. I understand and agree that Company shall be the exclusive owner of all such tape, film, photography and recordings (collectively, the “Materials”), and that the Participation and all such Materials shall be the sole and exclusive property of Company to be used by Company in any manner its see fit, in perpetuity, without limitation and without any further or additional compensation of any kind by Company.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I acknowledge and agree that Company shall have the exclusive right, to copyright, use, edit, exhibit, and distribute all or any portion of the Participation and Materials in any manner and in any languages, formats and media (including without limitation, the right to combine the Participation and Materials with other materials, performances, narration or dialogue in Company’s sole discretion) without restriction or limitation. I expressly acknowledge that Company shall be the sole author of the Materials, and that I waive any and all approval rights in connection with the Participation and the Materials. The rights granted to Company shall include, without limitation, the right to creatively use, portray and/or depict the Participation and Materials, in any and all media, and in the promotion, advertising, sale, publicizing, and distribution of the Program, and in any related or derivative versions and/or uses of the Program (including, without limitation, any translation(s) and/or adaptation(s) thereof), and in the advertising, marketing and promotion of the Program, or the Company and its services in general,, including but not limited to merchandising of the Program or Company, its related products and/or telecaster’s business or operations. The assigned exploitation rights include, but are not limited to, the exhibition, broadcast, streaming, transmission, reproduction, download, performance and/or distribution of the Participation, in merchandising and all platforms and/or media now known or hereafter devised, including, without limitation, video, audio and/or visual stream, still or download, whether delivered to devices via broadcast, syndication, basic cable, pay television, pay-over-the-air, closed circuit, TVRO, SMATV, MMDS, MDS, DBS, video-on-demand, pay-per-view, Internet Protocol, Wireless Access Protocol or otherwise.

I confirm that any life story and/or biographical information provided by me for use in connection with the Program and any and all statements made by me during the Participation are and will be true and accurate and will not violate or infringe upon any third party’s rights. I acknowledge that Company will rely on this Release (at substantial cost to Company), and hereby grant Company the right to distribute and otherwise use the Program in a manner consistent with the rights and permissions granted hereunder.



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